
©Foto: PaulCamper ©Foto: PaulCamper ©Foto: PaulCamper ©Foto: PaulCamper


Client: PaulCamper
Industry: Travel & Mobility
Services: PR Strategy | Social Media Strategy | Tone of Voice | Visual Language | Media Relations | Consumer PR | Influencer Relations | Content Creation | Community Management | Social Media Marketing


Let's Go Camping!

Vacationing with a camper van is THE new way to travel: by a lake, under a starry sky, or in the middle of nowhere – vacationing in a camper van is the epitome of freedom and independence. Especially since the pandemic, more and more travellers want to feel this kind of freedom. If you don’t want to buy your own camper van, camper sharing is the best solution. And that’s where the largest and fastest-growing brokerage platform for individual camping vehicles in Europe comes in: PaulCamper. Owners can rent out their vehicles via the portal and thereby enable outdoor fans who do not own a camper van themselves to enjoy this special kind of travel. Public Link is embarking on an extended and holistic brand communication expedition for PaulCamper.


Fast-Tracking With Professionalism

Camping trips are no longer just for die-hard fans. They have entered the mainstream: the percentage of people who have taken a camping trip at least once in their lives has risen to 65 percent. What the boom is making clear: everyone wants to do it, but not everyone knows how to do it properly. This is why we made the professionalisation of this type of travel our core communication strategy for PaulCamper. Our goal: to work with all stakeholders to steer the camping boom in the right direction while retaining its charm. Together with Public Link, PaulCamper proves to be a competent and responsible partner that personally guides and inspires vehicle renters and leasers – regardless of whether they are newbies or camping professionals. Tailor-made content provides occasions and content for this. And because the camper community likes to inspire and exchange ideas, Public Link is not only managing the press office for PaulCamper, but also relaunched the company’s social media channels to get them on track in terms of a holistic brand experience.


On the Road – With an Integrated Approach

From useful How Tos and entertaining radio features, to interview placements of PaulCamper founder Dirk Fehse, to PaulCamper community stories and press trips – Public Link supports the growth of the sharing platform with the help of target-group-relevant approaches to vehicle renters and leasers in relevant media related to travel, mobility, service, trend and business, as well as social media. More than 10,000 advertised vehicles and over one million arranged overnight stays testify to the success of the strategy, which is being implemented together with PaulCamper’s internal growth team. Both the company’s Instagram and Facebook presence were redesigned by Public Link for this purpose. By enhancing the visual language, tonality and formats, we are improving reach and engagement. Integrated influencer and social media campaigns consisting of content creation, community management and social media marketing are also a vital part of our holistic strategy for PaulCamper.


“If a company is named after you, you are usually a pioneer in your industry, an icon of the economy. […] This is where Paul comes in. However, Paul is neither an engineer, nor a chemist, nor a textile entrepreneur. He is a camper van, a motor home, after which his owner Dirk Fehse named his company.” – WirtschaftsWoche

Sounds good to you? Then simply get in touch with us. As an owner-managed agency we prefer not to beat about the bush. Give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to getting to know you.

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